A Global Network
for Change
Global Women Fresh brings together Women in Produce — from the front lines to the front offices — to close the gender divide in our industry.
If you’re moved to change the status quo and leverage the talent of women to advance the fresh produce industry, then you’ve come to the right place.
If you’re moved to change the status quo and leverage the talent of women to advance the fresh produce industry, then you’ve come to the right place.
With equitable access to resources, women can contribute more.
On average, women make up about 43% of the ag labour force in developing countries. If these women had the same access to resources as men, they could increase yields by up to 30%, reducing the number of hungry people in the world by up to 17% (United Nations).
economy is female.
Women make up to 80% of purchasing decisions (Forbes, 2019).
a seat at the table.
While gender diversity is increasing, women still only make up 20% of board positions globally (MSCI, 2019).
CHANGE THE STATUS QUODiversity & inclusivity
is just good business.
is just good business.
Companies in the top quartile for executive gender diversity are 21% more likely to have above average profitability — 33% if the executive team is culturally diverse (McKinsey, 2019).
CHANGE THE STATUS QUOWhy women are joining the network:
"Change will come in small steps, and women are key to change. With GWF, we can gather together people who care and start talking and asking questions. That's it. Together we will kick start a new form of advocacy and activism that the world needs."
Produce Marketing Association
"GWF provides a platform for women all over the world to lead the discussion on the key issues that will shape the future of the produce industry."
FruitNet Media
Latin America
"The whole world is dramatically changing and I feel that GWF can play a key role in this concern. We are committed to important subjects such as food waste, sustainability and agrifood technologies, and we will do our best to cooperate with universities, start-ups and global institutions to enhance the role of women in the Agrifood world."
Savino del Bene