Synergy: a curated executive women’s retreat

Vision, Strategy, Branding & Breakthroughs!

Women in leadership can produce up to 50% higher profitability, according to a widely published McKinsey report, as well as build stronger companies through culture and executive integrity. As a woman who’s achieved high success, we celebrate your leadership and the results of upward change for women and industry both at the micro and macro levels. Advancing you is advancing others to the betterment of all!

Our past does not define us, nor does it make our future.

We do.

Are you at the top of your organization and wondering,
“Where’s my next challenge?”

Have you built your own successful enterprise and are ready to scale?

Are you looking for fresh perspectives beyond the conferences
and peer groups you generally find yourself in?


Are you thinking, “I’d love to cross pollinate with executive women
who have diverse backgrounds and ideologies from me?”

Are you ready for deep-dive breakthrough work that
is not based on the assumption that
there’s something in you to fix?

Are you craving an adventure with deep self-nurturing where you
also walk away with a strategy and action plan
for your next steps?

As a woman who’s reached a certain level in your career, your questions have changed.  As have your priorities and your ideas about what is next for you.

This retreat intersects these unique turning points
of your life.

It starts with our deep dive clarity into yourself to resurface with clarity about your future.  Everything that comes next must serve you and your priorities now.  With this inner clarity, we explore and map your current career pathways, challenges, opportunities and goals.


You already have a clear vision about where you’re heading and want direct support in your next steps.  

Or maybe you have too many great options and are challenged with honing in on the one that will most fulfill you.  

Or you might be at that difficult place where you’ve achieved huge career success but feel the passion and spark has dropped away and you’re trying to find it again to take on your next big venture…

If you find yourself in any of these interesting yet entirely normal places, you will want to join us at

Synergy:  a curated executive women’s retreat  

Let us tempt you with all we have waiting for you!

Getting There:

You will arrive into Redmond/Bend Airport where you will be greeted by our incomparable host, Julie Escobar, founder of Global Women Fresh and owner of the Red Tail Ranch where we will be meeting.

Her transport will escort you to us at the Ranch where we will welcome you with laughter, getting to know each other, and fine wine, crudité and charcuterie!  

After our warm welcome, we will transport you to your plush well-appointed guest cottages in Sisters, Oregon where you will be staying.

You will have time to get settled, refreshed after traveling, have a cup of tea, and take some time to write with the targeted prompt our highly skilled and experienced executive coach-facilitators, Carmell Clark and Laura Dellinger will have given you.  You will begin to shape your own unique experience of our weekend with what you open up in your writing.

The Venue:

Red Tail Ranch is an exquisite oasis outside of Sisters, Oregon, home to Global Women Fresh founder, Julie Escobar and her husband Gordon Robertson. Architecturally stunning, we will be sharing gourmet meals around the farm table, and open up our transformational work in the stunning and invitingly comfortable great room looking directly out upon the Sisters peaks and Deschutes National forest.

Interesting fact: Deschutes is the French word for ‘falls’ or ‘rapids’–the perfect setting for us to take on the rapid change and transformation that you’ve been ready for!

Amazing food is the soul of any true transformative retreat. And our chef has a reputation for fresh, unusual, exquisite dishes in a menu perfectly crafted to delight your senses, and to meet all dietary needs easily.

Sample Dinner Menu:

Lasagna di primavera con asparagi, zucchine e noci
(homemade lasagna with tomato, asparagus, zucchini and walnuts)

Gamberi con limone e cognac
(shrimps with citrus fruits and cognac in the oven or pan)

Insalata mista dell’orto
(salad with tomatoes and cucumbers)

Torte di Mandorle con mousse di ricotta e cioccolato
(almond cake with ricotta mousse and chocolate chips)

The Delights:

One of the great delights of taking an adventure is embarking into the unknown– This is exactly the setting we have waiting for you!
The freedom of having everything handled for you so all you have to do is let go, relax, open wide to the views, the conversations and the “new” that is ready to come together for you this special weekend. You have time to let your mind wander, greet the sunrise, find the perfect spot to pause in the foothills of these pristine mountains, take naps, and sit around a fire sharing those things that will bring about the changes you most desire.

It begins with our warm and special welcome at the Ranch, each detail perfectly curated to meet your every need.

Upon arriving later at your own private bungalow, you’ll find a special basket of gifts, treats and essentials curated just for you to make your welcome to our transformational adventure even more perfect!

Deep restful sleep surrounded by the wild nature of the Central Oregon mountains!

Then… wake up to some unstructured time where you get to simply be with the peacefulness of this geographic sanctuary. Can you imagine yourself sinking into the sounds of birds and Ponderosa forest as you lose track of time on a beautiful morning hike? Summer is full of life in the gorgeous foothills around the iconic peaks of the Sisters mountains. This is where we will be!

Feel your breath moving deeply into your body in our outdoor yoga, aligning and energizing you. Or how does the perfect spa experience sound to you–rejuvenating with a full body massage, salt scrub or dip in the pools? You may want to find yourself on a thrilling river rafting adventure! And you will definitely enjoy our wine evenings together–including the perfect non-alcoholic cocktails for those who prefer!

And at night, we have the perfect Dark Sky outing planned– imagine lying out on cozy blankets under a brilliant night sky full of more stars than you can ever remember seeing, the Milky Way moving slowly across the heavens with the vastness above us and the vastness inside us meeting in perfect wonder, quiet and awe.

The “Bennies”

What's Included:

Are you ready? It’s quite a list. . .

What’s Not-Included:

Reserve Your Spot!

July 25 – 28, 2024 $3,900

Your Host:

Julie Escobar
VP Strategic Sales, Produce Pay,
Founder, Global Women Fresh

Your Executive Leadership Coaches:

Carmell Clark

Carmell Clark is an author, speaker and founder of the Center for Transformational Influence, delivering bespoke leading-edge trainings and curricula to organizations, and executive coaching to leaders, influencers, and professionals across sectors.  She particularly works with C-Suite decision makers and entrepreneurs to provide strategic models along with trainings that effectively transform women’s advancement in their organizations. A global solo traveler, oils artist, poet, and member of boards, she pro bono coaches women entrepreneurs in non-Western countries, runs Ragnars, and continually works on her French fluency.

Laura Dellinger

You’ll find Laura at the busy intersection of culture, strategy, and interpersonal dynamics. As a coach, consultant and catalyst for growth,

Laura helps individuals and organizations advance through effective relationships, team coherence and focused strategy.  She brings a global perspective to her work with a multi-sector client portfolio ranging from Start-Ups through Fortune 100s, to International NGOs, Foundations, Non-profits, and government agencies.

Laura approaches coaching with a deep belief in human potential. Curious, intuitive and provocative, she focuses as much on how leaders “be” as on what leaders “do.” She loves helping clients connect/reconnect with their authentic leadership style, build on natural talents, and grow in sustainable ways. 

As a thought partner, Laura is grounded and practical: she keeps it real. Because she sees patterns naturally, it’s easy for her to help clients see their own – and how they do/don’t serve client goals. She encourages clients to remember there are many ways of knowing; and to explore not only what we do as leaders, but how and – perhaps most importantly – the stories we tell ourselves about why.

Retreat Registration
