A Seat at the Table with Linda Carobbi


Introducing “A Seat at the Table,” a new monthly feature from Global Women Fresh, where you’ll meet inspiring women paving the way in produce for themselves and others. This month, meet EU President of Global Women Fresh, Linda Carobbi. Linda was appointed to the role of EU President for GWF to help us achieve our goals of being a truly global community for Women in Produce. We understand that women in each country have unique experiences when it comes to gender, and that we need to pay extra attention to the differences in how businesses, governments and economies are addressing gender equity, diversity and more. We are confident that Linda’s knowledge, skills and passion for the ag business will bring great opportunities for the Global Women Fresh Community in Europe. Read on to get to know more about Linda!

Linda Carobbi did not come from an agricultural background as is common for so many of us. She was instead, by chance, “simply acquired by the fresh sector.” She sees it as her good luck because she has fallen in love with both the sector and the people that it’s made of. But we’re the lucky ones. To be in Linda’s presence is to feel her infectious, can’t-stop-won’t-stop energy — and her sincere passion for produce. Linda has worked with Savino Del Bene SpA for almost 20 years, beginning in operations and working her way up to become the Corporate Director of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, with an emphasis on worldwide logistics. She was critical in the development of the VM and the role has afforded her the opportunity to travel the globe, connect with growers, producers, importers and exporters.

We virtually “met up” with Linda to learn more about what it’s like to be an Italian woman in produce, how she’s continuing to develop professionally, and what advice she’d give her younger self. Linda also shared how she’s been healthily indulging during the lockdown with her “Very Berry Parfait” (delicious recipe below). 

Q: What is the most important advancement for Italian women in produce to advocate for?

A:  In Italy, 70% of people working in agrifood are women. However, there are very few women in middle and top management positions. In the COVID-19 emergency, women were the ones really carrying our country, since most of them continued working and at the same time had to attend to their children stuck at home during lockdown. It is important to enhance women’s capabilities and their role in the entire agrifood supply chain. Our Italian Fresh Produce Women Association recently met our Ministry of Agriculture (Ms. Teresa Bellanova) who from the start of her appointment has emphasized that women and the next generations are the most important resources for innovation that Italy can count on, and above all in agriculture and in the food supply chain. She said that it was precisely the COVID-19 emergency that strengthened her conviction: in the moment of greatest difficulty in the country, the work was “female,” and we do not have to lose this value once the emergency is over. It is therefore necessary to give professional women the importance and the space they deserve.
Q: What is one of your proudest professional accomplishments?

A: I created the Fresh Fruit and Vegetables VM in Savino Del Bene starting from scratch, building a new business unit inside the company. This achievement allowed me to become one of the co-founders of the Italian Fresh Produce Women Association. Recently, I obtained the Certification with Bureau Veritas for Innovation Manager, a new type of professional profile promoted by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, related to the topics of 4.0 Industries / Digital Transformation and Change Management / Digital Skills. It is not enough to have the most advanced technology if we do not have people that are innovative, creative, curious and visionary. The course helped me to adapt my mental attitude to provide value in a more digitized and smart world!
Q: What is advice you’d give your younger self on being a woman in business? 

A: Never stop yourself from being curious and asking questions. Never stop studying and improving your skills. Life is full of curves: let yourself be surprised. Always be gentle and resilient, and remember: FAIL = First Attempt In Learning.
Q: What is one professional and personal goal you’re focused on now? 

A: Professionally, I am focused on improving and increasing the volumes in the company in order not to lose too much market share due to the COVID-19 emergency. I am trying to be very proactive, always staying updated on what’s going on in the market. Personally, I am committed to helping women in agrifood have their voices duly heard, concretely helping them to reach gender equality and eliminating violence and harassment (physical and non-physical).
Q: Who is a woman that inspires you?

A: I really admire Michelle Obama. She’s incredibly clever, with two University degrees but still very humble. She has a really big heart, truly believes in gender equality and she upholds women’s education rights. “When girls are educated, their countries become stronger and more prosperous.”

Another way Linda stays focused on her goals is by focusing on her wellness. “I love to eat and live healthy, and of course fresh fruit and veggies are always part of my daily life.” But everyone needs a sweet treat now and then – especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Here’s how Linda treats herself and still gets that daily serving of fresh fruit in:

Very Berry Parfait
by Linda Carobbi


  • Greek yogurt  
  • All the berries! Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Blue raspberries 
  • Dark chocolate (Just enough!) 
  • Spirulina algae powder (A superfood that helps us to stay healthy) 

I pour the greek yogurt in a cup, like the one you use for your tea. Then add all the berries (I suggest cutting the strawberries in small pieces). Grate a little piece of dark chocolate, then add some spirulina algae powder.

After this… relax and enjoy! A super healthy and tasty recipe!