GWF Joined by Five New Members of our Global Executive Advisory Board


“We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.” — Malala Yousafzai

This month, we extend a warm welcome to five new members of our Global Executive Advisory Board; Yvonne Tweddle, Amelie Aust, Natalie Shuman, Laura Dellinger and Kate Dowling.

With a strong global presence, we’re honoured to be joined by powerful female executives that set an example of what can be achieved when women take the lead. In this uncertain moment in our history, we’re thrilled to be backed by a strong team of women who will contribute to creating equality in the workplace, and therefore more success for their company’s and better outcomes for the environment.

We have Yvonne Tweddle, who is the Joint MD at Jupiter Group, whose passion is bringing together global employees as one team, investing in and improving the lives of our workers on farm and flying the flag for women in the industry.

Natalie Schuman is the Director of Trade & Retail Marketing at Apeel Sciences in the United States, leading the development and global management of the Sun World brand. “With over 15 years in business, I have encountered both the good and the bad in how a woman’s place in our industry is perceived. These experiences have profoundly shaped me personally and professionally,” she shares.

“I’m joining Global Women Fresh, because I want to be part of an organization that is a lighthouse for people seeking actionable solutions to gender equity, and that will provide a platform to hear the voices of all women — from the front lines of our fields to our executive offices.”

With an executive presence on the board, our team is strengthened in areas from marketing, investment and leadership. Amelie Aust, the Co-CEO of Fall Creek & Farm Nusery and Executive Coach Kate Dowling. We also have the Principle of Wisebridge Laura Dellinger on the team, who brings more than 25 years of leadership experience and organizational development to the team.

We’re so excited to welcome you all to the Global Women Fresh team and see this as a sign of positive forward momentum, despite the uncertainty we all face in the coming weeks.